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Made in America

American dream - an idea so badly bruised by reality that even Americans themselves stopped believing in it. Fortunately not all of them. The American dream can still come true thanks to the passion and hard work of brewers who love good beer.
In the US, they brew some of the best and most desirable craft beers in the world - period. Small, independent breweries began to emerge there and multiplylike crazy already in the 70s and 80s of the last century (Europe picked up on this trend only in the 90s, with the exception of Great Britain, which has always been in love with good beer). Most of them were worked by enthusiasts for whom the overriding value was not profit, but quality and taste. They used more expensive ingredients and experimented with traditional brewing methods, and gained publicity through ingenious marketing strategies. Today, American craft beers account for more than 12 percent. the entire US beer market. This result would probably be even more impressive were it not for the pandemic, during which pubs and restaurants, where previously craft beers were regularly served, did not operate.
Barrier Brewing Company, located on the south shore of Long Island, launched its first beers relatively recently, in 2010. After just two years of operation, it was necessary to move to a larger building - this was the only way to double the production and try to keep up with orders. Unfortunately, after such a successful beginning, the first problems appeared - serious problems. In 2012, the Barrier Brewing headquarters was heavily damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Friendly breweries and the entire local community helped with the necessary repairs. Upon reopening, the brewery immediately returned to brewing world-class beers, in a wide variety of styles, ranging from extremely juicy and aromatic IPAs to stouts.
We recently wrote about the New York Other Half, a brewery that produces beer so popular and fashionable that you have to spend several hours in a queue to get a limited set of new releases. But other small American breweries, from almost every state, are also popular. They include Hoppin 'Frog Brewery from Akron, Ohio - which has been on the prestigious list of the best breweries in the world for several years - published by, every year, The Bruery, which had its first headquarters ... in the kitchen of its founder (Patrick Rue), Boston-based Trillium, which started out with three employees on board and now has nearly 300 of them, or Equilibrium, distinguished by a scientific approach to brewing.
Each of the aforementioned breweries has a different history, but they all share the brewer's ethos and the belief that beer is something more than a drink with a lower or higher alcohol content. Each sip of their specialties is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience - tasting like an elusive American dream.

Central Waters: Cassian Sunset 2022 Brewer's Reserve - 355 ml bottle